Fling Flong

The Adventures of Fling Flong the Muppet Man from Azerbaijan

Thursday, November 01, 2012

"Real Miss America" or "Miss Kill First, Ask Later, Don't Care Ever"

There's a page making its round on Facebook that I find shocking. It's called the "Real Miss America" and it tells about a girl who shot and killed a man from over 700 yards. It "turned out" that the man "was a bomb maker for the Taliban, and he was burying an IED". On Facebook, the page has many thousands of likes and numerous comments.

I find it amazing that we celebrate one person killing another without clearly knowing beforehand why it was they were "engaging the target" (nice use of dehumanizing language, by the way).

Why is the culture in the US encouraging and embracing a complete lack of respect for human rights?

Naomi Wolf had an interesting article about this in Project Syndicate entitled "Kill and Let Die".